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    萧咏仪:My Story with SCIA




    萧咏仪:My Story with SCIA

    发布时间:皇冠体育-02-10 11:12:37






    Ms. Sylvia Wing Yee Siu, JP is the Vice Chair of Guangdong-HongKong-Macau Arbitration & Mediation Alliance. She is also the Chairlady of Joint Mediation Helpline Office, the Chairlady of Hong Kong Federation of Women Lawyers’ ADR Committee, the Immediate Past President of Hong Kong Institute of Arbitrators and an arbitrator of SCIA.

    My Story with the Shenzhen Court of International Arbitration

    Sylvia Wing Yee SIU

    I had the privilege of going to Mainland China in late 80s with my mentor Ms Elsie Leung Oi-sie GBM, JP. to give lecture to the law students. Students were extremely attentive and eager to learn about Hong Kong’s common law system, they took full notes of everything we said. It was a pleasant surprise to find students following us even after the lecture, asking lots of intelligent questions. I knew then that Mainland China will have a bright future.

    Upon taking courses on arbitration and mediation, I developed a fervent interest in Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR). I joined the Trade Development Council and the HK Law Society on mission trips to Mainland China, South East Asia and other parts of the world to promote our legal services. I also attended ADR conferences internationally, locally and in Mainland China as participant and/or speaker.

    My first contact with Shenzhen Court of International Arbitration (SCIA), (then known as CIETAC Shenzhen) was back in 2002 at an ADR Conference. There I met Dr. Guo Xiaowen, then the Vice Chairman of CIETAC in charge of CIETAC Shenzhen (renamed as CIETAC South China Commission in 2004, and changed the name to SCIA in 2012). Dr. Guo impressed me with his wealth of knowledge in arbitration law in Mainland China and his willingness to share his knowledge.  

    In 2004, on behalf of Hong Kong Institute of Arbitrators, I invited Dr. Guo to hold a seminar in Hong Kong on “Enforcement of Arbitral Awards”. HK Law Society, HK Federation of Women Lawyers and China Appointed Attesting Officers participated as supporting organizations. Over 300 participants enrolled. Elsie in her then capacity as Secretary for Justice of HKSAR delivered a welcome remark. A quick acknowledgement to Elsie should be made, as it was through her efforts which resulted with the “Arrangement Concerning Mutual Enforcement of Arbitral Awards between the Mainland and HKSAR” in 2000.   

    In Hong Kong, with Civil Justice Reform officially launched in 皇冠体育, mediation became “The Way Forward”. In all civil cases, lawyers are to advise parties to attempt mediation, failing which and if without justification, judges can depart from their usual cost orders. Courses were offered to train up mediators, seminars and talks on mediation were well attended.

    Upon learning that I have been giving talks on mediation, Dr. Liu Xiaochun (now President of the SCIA) invited me to speak at the 1st Commercial Expert Mediators’ Training at CIETAC South China Commission. 

    At that training session, I expressed my concern with “Arb-Med-Arb”, meaning the arbitrators for the parties, when requested by the parties to conduct mediation, changed their roles to mediators to conduct mediation for the parties. If the mediation fails, they then change back to their role as Arbitrators to conduct the arbitration for the parties. When I raised my concern at other ADR Conferences in Mainland China, I was told that CIETAC Beijing and CIETAC Shanghai, as well as other leading arbitration commissions have been using this method and it worked well. 

    I firmly believe mediators should take formal training, while I concur our culture values harmony and would turn to elders to work out differences in the past, it is wishful thinking to expect disputes can be resolved amicably by going to the elders these days. Mediators often face difficult parties, it takes training and practice to acquire skills such as building empathy with the parties, and effective communication methods to carry out a successful mediation process.

    I felt ecstatic when Dr. Liu appreciated my concern about “Arb-Med-Arb” and the professional training of mediators! Dr. Liu had vision to equip SCIA to meet challenges in the new era. From articles he wrote, such as “The latest innovation for mediation in China”, one can see that he was for innovative ideas. When Dr. Liu became the President of SCIA, he was instrumental in setting up a Mediation Alliance with Hong Kong Macao and Mainland China, it was an excellent platform for cross border disputes resolutions. I was proud to be present at the Inauguration of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Mediation Alliance in 2013 and nominated as the Vice Chair of the Alliance. In 2019, the Alliance changed its name to Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Arbitration & Mediation Alliance at its 5th Anniversary.

    The office of SCIA now occupies a whole floor at 41/F, West Square of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, 2012 Shennan Blvd, Shenzhen. Previously going to SCIA to do an arbitration or attend an event there means taking a day off work, as either one takes the train, then a taxi, or hire a car which often met with traffic jam. Nowadays, SCIA is on top of the METRO, we can leave Hong Kong, get on the train, before one finishes reading the newspaper, one arrives the station, and can simply walk right up to SCIA. 

    Aside from holding arbitrations at SCIA, many important events were held there, one was a Spanish Arbitration Day in Shenzhen held on 21 Oct 2019. I attended together with my good friends Mr. Paulo Fohlin (Partner of Odebjer Fohlin, Stockholm, Sweden), Mr. Omar Puertas (Partner of Cuatrecasas, Shanghai, China) and Mr. J. Felix de Luis (Partner of Legal 21 Abogados, Spain). I acted as the moderator, and was told by the speakers to be prepared to translate everything they say. Little did they know that Dr. Liu speaks fluent English and all the participants also speak good English. In fact, SCIA has actually been receiving guests from all over the world.   

    While watching the panoramic view from the 41/F, I flashed back to the early 80s at my first visit to Shenzhen, no building was in sight, it was bare land. Within 40 years, Shenzhen has become such a vibrant city. Since changing the name from CIETAC South China Commission to SCIA, under the guidance of Dr. Liu SCIA grew from strength to strength. I feel so blessed to be a Chinese, so proud to see how the great leap forward by China, so honored to have the friendship of brilliant leaders like Dr. Guo and Dr. Liu. 

    As Chairlady of Joint Mediation Helpline Office, with 9 member organizations (HK Mediation Council, HK Bar Association, Law Society of HK, HK Institute of Arbitrators, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (East Asia Branch), HK Institute of Architects, HK Institute of Surveyors, HK Mediation Centre, HK Institution of Engineers), I look forward to working with SCIA in promoting mediation to resolve the disputes at the Greater Bay Area.

    As Immediate Past President of Hong Kong Institute of Arbitrators, I also look forward to further collaborations with SCIA in promoting arbitration, mediation, adjudication & other ADR methods to resolve the Greater Bay Area and BRI disputes. 

    萧咏仪(Sylvia Wing Yee SIU),太平绅士,皇冠体育副主席,香港联合调解专线办事处主席,香港女律师协会ADR主席,香港仲裁司学会前任会长,皇冠体育仲裁员。













    除了受理仲裁案件,SCIA也承办了非常多重要的活动。如2019年10月21日的“西班牙仲裁日”圆桌研讨活动,我和我的好朋友Paulo Fohlin先生(瑞典斯德哥尔摩Odebjer Fohlin事务所合伙人)、Omar Puertas先生[顾博国际律师事务所(中国上海)合伙人]以及J. Felix de Luis先生(西班牙Legal 21 Abogados律师事务所合伙人)一同参加了该研讨活动,我担任研讨会的主持人。会议开始前,其他受邀的演讲嘉宾告知我做好准备向与会者翻译他们讲的内容,显然,他们并不清楚刘博士流利的英语交流能力,而且现场所有参与者都有很强的英语交流能力,当天的研讨会全程用英文进行,根本无须翻译。事实上,作为一个国际化的仲裁机构,SCIA已经多次接待来自世界各国的宾客来访。




    译者简介  迟文卉,皇冠体育国际合作与发展处(自贸区仲裁处)法律顾问。